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48 Magnitude Tremor Felt Across The Northeast

Earthquake Rattles New York and Surrounding Areas

4.8 Magnitude Tremor Felt Across the Northeast

A magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near Lebanon, New Jersey, approximately 40 miles (64 kilometers) west of New York City, sending tremors throughout the city and the surrounding areas.

New York's Largest Earthquake in Recent History

According to the United States Geological Survey, this is the largest earthquake recorded in New York City in recent history. Reports indicate that buildings across the city shook, prompting evacuations and temporary power outages.

Tremors Felt Across the Northeast

The earthquake was felt as far north as Burlington, Vermont, and as far south as Richmond, Virginia. Tremors were also recorded in Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia.

No Major Damage or Injuries Reported

As of now, there have been no reports of significant damage or injuries. However, authorities are urging residents to be prepared for potential aftershocks and to check their homes and businesses for any structural issues.

This 4.8 magnitude earthquake is a reminder of the seismic activity that can occur in any region and the importance of being prepared for such events.
